We’ve tried so many e-cigarettes over the last few years that it was difficult to sort out a top three, let alone a number one. By a narrow margin, V2 Cigs is our #1 choice.
Several factors went into our ranking of V2. Their flavors taste great, the vapor they produce looks good, they provide the greatest number of options, and we’re impressed with their quality and commitment to developing an even better product. They don’t have an overly-powerful throat hit, but it’s noticeable and satisfying.
We’ll start with the flavors, which come in a good variety and were all tasty. There are three different tobacco-flavored blends and three menthol/mint choices; vanilla and chocolate, coffee and cola, cherry and grape are also available, as are a number of other flavors from the company’s sister line, Zig-Zag. V2 Red (similar to a Marlboro) and coffee are our favorites. There’s a full range of nicotine choices for each flavor, from extra strong to no nicotine. All cartridges come with freshness dating, a rarity in the e-cig market. The vapor was good on the inhale but without the same power of a tobacco cigarette; it was thick when exhaled, however, allowing us to blow great rings – our biggest test for vapor clouds. Cartridge life was about equal to a pack of traditional cigarettes, right around the average for the brands we’ve tested.
V2 batteries come in white, chrome, blue and black and in the normal short and long options. They also have a unique extra-long battery which is a full 140mm long when a cartridge is attached. It not only looks elegant in a woman’s hand, but carries a significantly longer charge than more traditional-sized batteries. Automatic and manual (push-button activated) options are available, and it’s worth noting that the automatic batteries don’t have the five-second shutoff feature that most brands do. Battery life was a bit higher than average, and well above average for the extra-long battery.
Earlier, we mentioned product development. And V2 Cigs is extremely active on that front. They still offer their standard product line but also offer a premium product, the EX series. The batteries (long sized only) utilize new technology to give the user many more puffs than the classic models and come in different colors and patterns. And there’s a cartridge sleeve at the base that allows you to use either classic cartridges or EX series cartridges. They’re also one of the first e-cigarette companies to add lines of tank e-cigs, reviewed elsewhere on this site.
We sampled the V2 Ultimate Kit. It came with three batteries, one of each size; 25 cartridges; a USB charger with wall and car adapters, a portable charging case and regular carrying case, a “power Cig” that plugs directly into a USB port to let you vape without recharging, and a lanyard. Retail price is $149.95. Four other kits are also available, ranging all the way down to the very affordable Beginner’s Kit with one battery, five cartridges, a USB charger and a disposable e-cig, for $34.95. We’ve also tested the new EX batteries, which indeed do last a lot longer than the classic models.
V2 is also one of the only major manufacturers that caters to those who like to buy their own e-liquid and refill cartridges on their own, either for the fun of it or to save money. There are selections of blank cartridges and different flavors of e-liquid, as well as rubber or aluminum drip tips to make the refilling process easy.
There are lots of excellent electronic cigarettes on the market, and V2 Cigs is at the top.